Youth Lectors

Empowering the Young to Proclaim God's Word
Youth Lectors
Youth Lectors at Christ the King Catholic Parish are young members of our community who are dedicated to the important ministry of proclaiming the Word of God during our liturgical celebrations. This role not only enhances our worship experience but also empowers our youth to actively participate in and contribute to the life of the Church.
What We Do
The mission of the Youth Lectors is to inspire and engage our congregation by delivering scripture readings with clarity, reverence, and passion. Through their service, they bring the living Word of God to the heart of our worship and encourage the involvement of young people in the Church.
Proclaim Scripture
Youth Lectors read the assigned scriptures during Mass, ensuring that the Word of God is heard clearly and understood by all.
Liturgical Participation:
We play a vital role in various liturgical services, including Sunday Masses, Holy days, and special celebrations, enriching the worship experience.
Spiritual Growth
Participating as a lector helps young people deepen their understanding of the Scripture and grow in their faith and spiritual life.
Leadership Development
This ministry provides opportunities for youth to develop public speaking skills, confidence, and a sense of responsibility within the church community.
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